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ne mogu mu nista

[es] :: Security :: ne mogu mu nista

[ Pregleda: 3636 | Odgovora: 7 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 12407
Poruke: 100


icon ne mogu mu nista04.10.2003. u 16:12 - pre 251 meseci
Pri svakom podizanju sistema (XP), aktivira se spy koji trazi konekciju.
To strasno nervira i usporava startup.
Ad-aware i McAfee Vscan ne vide problem.
Identifikovao sam program preko task managera, ali ne mogu mu nista.(kada ga izbrisem, valjda se pojavi kopija, i on nastavlja svoje.)
Probao sam da ga tamanim i u registry-ju, ali sistem odbija brisanje nekih njegovih elemenata (a ima ih na sve strane).

Da li postoji nacin da ga ubijem?


p.s. Uzgred kakva su misljenja o McAfee Guardian firewallu?
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Mihailo Đorić

Član broj: 1016
Poruke: 2875

+1 Profil

icon Re: ne mogu mu nista04.10.2003. u 16:40 - pre 251 meseci
Kako je ime fajla? Čekiraj \system32\dllcache\ i ako ima obriši ga odatle.
Što se tiče registyja, proveri dozvole za tu granu.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 12407
Poruke: 100


icon Re: ne mogu mu nista05.10.2003. u 00:51 - pre 251 meseci
Program se zove rasautou (Remote Access Dialer), ali ono sto zbunjuje je sto je proizvodjac MS (2001.g.). Ono sto je, mislim, novo u poslednje vreme je sto odmah poziva DAP (javlja McAfee Guardian), ali mozda je to bio slucaj i ranije a da ja nisam `palio` firewall pre njegovog aktiviranja pa nisam imao tu informaciju. S druge strane, mozda sada trazi neki reinstall, obzirom da sam ga ja cackao.

Pronasao sam rasauto.dll u system32, pored samog programa, ali za brisanje Access is denied, dok sam program moze da se brise, ali se po restartovanju pojavljuje kopija.

Ako potvrdim: Don`t ask me again until the next time i log on; da li ce to da mu onemoguci komunikaciju ili ne ?

Sto se tice provere dozvola u registryu, to ne znam da izvedem.

Pronasao sam i 1 txt slicnog imena, ne znam da li se odnosi na ovaj program; u naslovu stoji:
Filename: RASAUTH.H
// Description: Contains definitions to allow for third parties to plug in
// back-end authenticaion modules into Remote Access Service.
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Cybernoid II

Član broj: 14852
Poruke: 528


+1 Profil

icon Re: ne mogu mu nista10.10.2003. u 21:43 - pre 251 meseci
Remote Access Dialer sluzi da se preko modema uloguješ na server u mrežu.
To je deo operativnog sistema, ako ti nisi to podesio, onda se neki dialer nakačio na njega. Problem leži negde drugde ne u rasauto.dll.


Description of the Functions of Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Service and Autodial
This article applies to…
This article was previously published under Q254181
This article describes the functions of the Remote Access Auto Connection Manager service and autodial.
The Remote Access Auto Connection Manager service maps and maintains network addresses to connection destinations. This allows a destination to be automatically dialed from a program or from the command prompt. A network address can be an Internet host name, an Internet Protocol (IP) address, or a NetBIOS server name.

The Remote Access Auto Connection Manager service does not start automatically. You must manually start the service by using the Services node of the Component Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in. The service provides the following autodial functions:

If you are not connected to a network and a program cannot reach a remote address, autodial attempts to create the connection.

If you are connected to a network and a program cannot reach a remote address, autodial attempts to create a connection but only for those addresses that it has previously obtained. Autodial does not attempt to create a connection for incorrectly typed server or Internet host names.
NOTE: Autodial determines that a connection is initially required to reach a network resource, but it does not map resources to connections after they are established.

stavi da bude disabled servis
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (RasAuto)

mv frog ancient_pond
echo "Splash!"
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 12407
Poruke: 100


icon Re: ne mogu mu nista11.10.2003. u 21:33 - pre 251 meseci
Molim te, kako da ga disablujem ?

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 10598
Poruke: 739

+53 Profil

icon Re: ne mogu mu nista13.10.2003. u 21:37 - pre 251 meseci
Molim te, kako da ga disablujem ?

Desni klik na My Computer , manage/Services and Applications/Services. Nađeš u spisku Remote Access Auto Connection Manager, dupli klik na njega(ili desni klik, pa properties), zati na kartici General pod Startup type izabereš Disabled. Ispod toga u Service status klikneš Stop da zaustaviš servis, zatim na OK. I to je sve.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 14896
Poruke: 322

+1 Profil

icon Re: ne mogu mu nista14.10.2003. u 02:55 - pre 251 meseci
format c:

(u krajnjem slucaju)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 12407
Poruke: 100


icon Re: ne mogu mu nista14.10.2003. u 21:33 - pre 251 meseci
The Problem Is History !

Hvala svima koji su pomogli (posebno djolep-u).
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Security :: ne mogu mu nista

[ Pregleda: 3636 | Odgovora: 7 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.